Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Whale of a time in Anacortes

Earth Date: 2014, July 16th
Location: Anacortes and the San Juan Islands

Today's adventure took us 81 miles north to the small town of Anacortes, Washington. On the orca boat we headed East out into the San Juan Islands. We almost made it over to Canada!
Our drive, and final whale watching location
Despite the rumors of Washington's weather, we had a very pleasant day out on the water. The tour was about 4 hours long, but that included stopping in the San Juan Islands to pick up and drop off passengers. Amanda holds romantic dreams of living in similar islands one day, while I fear that life will be too quiet and remote.

Orca with Olympic peninsula in the (distant) background

The breach in "Free Willy" looked way more impressive =)

Spy-hopping orca popping up to see what is going on

The sad seal

Orca in front of False Bay
The seals were not too happy about the orcas in the water! However there were some creatures on the ocean that day that were very happy to see the majestic porpoises:

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