Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The delicate arch (and Arches by Night)

Earth Date: 2014 July 30th
Location: Arches National Park

Delicate Arch at Twilight
My goal for the evening was to do the delicate arch trail by sunset. Amanda and Zach declined to go, as they were too tired after the afternoon on the river. They elected to see what the nightlife of Moab had to offer instead.

I had banked on a two hours to make the one and a half mile trail to delicate arch. It turns out around sunset this is cutting it far too close, as the parking lot is completely full with other people with the same idea. This day was particularly bad, because the flash flood closed two of the nearby auxiliary parking lots.

500 feet before reaching delicate arch (facing in the opposite direction)
Thankfully I made it just in time (as can be seen from the position of the sun in the previous picture).

Success: made before sunset
While up there, I met a group of three astrophotography enthusiasts who were visiting from DC. They were doing a similar insane road trip...... they had flown from DC to Vegas, and over the course of the next 4 days went to Yosemite (where they encountered similar ash problems to our problems in Glacier), Arches, and were going on to the Grand Canyon before heading back to Vegas.

I tagged along with them until 11:30 pm (to Amanda's concern) to see what sort of pictures I could get of Arches at night.
The Milky way by Elephant's head

Milky way as seen through the North window (light painting used)

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