Monday, July 14, 2014

Earth Date: 7/13/2014

Yesterday, the thirteenth, we embarked on a three mile "moderate" hike in the Rainier area. This hike was mostly an incline on the way up the hill, and combined with the elevation, it was easy to conclude that we all thought we were out of shape, well at least I thought so. After the first stretch that everyone does that divides all of the different trails, we quickly realized that this might be somewhat difficult, especially after Amanda exclaimed, "jesus." We went on with the hike up to the hill, and let me tell you, it was worth it. The view at the top of the hill was spectacular, nothing I have ever seen before in my life. Yes, it was a little strenuous, but it was well worth the work.

Later, after we checked in the days inn in bellevue, we decided to wind down and relax to nice television. As a joke, we clicked on this channel that said something along the lines of "make it bigger" which was a half an hour long infomercial about make you last longer in bed. The acting was bad, and you can tell all the personal testimonies were fake. I quickly said, "how can anyone watch this seriously without laughing?" Needless to say this awful infomercial provided about 30 mins of laughter.


  1. Sounds like one of those awestruck moments..... The hike not the commercial

  2. true! the hike was really only tough in the beginning and the end due to the elevation, incline and switchbacks. The view: varied and all gorgeous. Zach took some photos and sent them to me, and I plan on posting them soon.
